Perhaps you are wondering why this dish is called the Healthy recipes chicken flavor Balado? Balado flavor commonly known in the Asian community because of its unique spicy flavor and different, that's one simple reason why this time there are dishes baladonya name.
Menu of this one was very suitable for all family members including also be favored by the children though, because even though there flavor in the dish is spicy but not too pronounced spicy taste to the tongue of children.
If you are interested and curious to be trying this special recipe, then you can immediately try to make yourself at home at a time when your leisure.
Here are step by step process of making ...
Materials you need to buy to make it easy Chicken Recipes:
* 2 chicken (the thighs), then cut into smallish pieces and wash them clean
* 1 teaspoon lemon juice or 1 tablespoon if you feel less
* 1 teaspoon salt, or you can cut back when it is too salty
* 1/4 teaspoon pepper that has been milled or ground pepper
* Enough cooking oil for frying and sauteing process
Spices are needed:
* 3 large red onions, finely chopped
* 3 pieces of curly red pepper, cut into thin slices
* 3 pieces of red or cayenne pepper to taste if you add less spicy
* 1/4 tsp salt or to taste
How to make Healthy recipes chicken flavor Balado:
A. Marinate the chicken thighs had been cut with a squeeze of lemon juice until evenly, sprinkle well with salt to taste, and pepper. Then set aside some time or for about 15 minutes in length.
2. Heat oil in a wok or other pan, and fry the chicken pieces until it changes color to golden yellow. Lift and then drain.
3. Heat about 1 tablespoon cooking oil or just enough, and stir all the spices until the aroma becomes fragrant.
4. Insert pieces of fried chicken that previously had been and cook while stirring occasionally so that all ingredients can penetrate evenly and the meat becomes more tender chicken.
5. Lift, and ready to be served immediately while still warm with the whole family.
If you want to try a variety of other recipes, then you should try the recipe on this one Healthy recipe Bird's Nest Soup
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